The Red Thread Book Arrives!
Posted on 24th May 2021 at 12:53
The writing journey of The Red Thread book ends and begins with sharing this new book with the world!
The Red Thread Book Arrives!
Months of writing and preparation and The Red Thread book arrived in my office. It is a real sense of joy seeing your hard work come to fruition. This book has been in the making, swirling away in my head for the last 10 years, wanting to be out there in black and white in print. I suppose, some books take a lot longer than that when finally, the writer takes pen to paper. I am grateful that at long last it’s time to get this out to the world.
Why The Read Thread?
The day I agreed to write this book, on 30th July 2020, the day of a dear friend, Pilar’s birthday that I remember so well; it was a life milestone for me. I was full of self-doubts about the purpose and content of the book. I went to bed, still thinking about it all. In the morning, on waking up, I was still feeling these doubts in my head. After my usual breakfast I went up for my bath, still considering! As I was in the bath, it suddenly came to me that my purpose and focus to write this book had been totally wrong! It had to be all about our entwined journeys with lessons learnt. Most importantly about how we came through it all and for me to tell the tale!
The Rakhi or Rakshabandhan is a sacred red thread in the Hindu religious tradition. A Sister ties on her Brothers’ right wrist, like a bracelet, or a wrist band for their safe keeping and well-being on the festival of Rakshabandhan. In return, the Brother gives a gift or usually some money to the Sister. In these modern times, the Rakhi is tied on women’s wrists too or for that matter, anyone whom you want to protect. So, I always have one tied on my right wrist, blessed by a Hindu priest.
What is the message of The Read Thread?
This book is a series of stories of life lessons, of love, strength, determination, resilience, tenderness, kindness, gratitude, humour, failures, friendships and successes experienced mainly by women. The stories mainly weave through my Mum’s, mine and my Sister’s lives, along with some of the women whom we have admired. This book spans across the early 20th century to the present day.
However, the message remains the same for the reader. No matter where you are in life, you will come through. Do not despair, there is always a way, have faith, have a vision that you are totally committed to, believe in you and your God, your Universe, whoever it is that you believe in, follow the process. You will be familiar with the phrase, ask, believe, receive. Trust the process. It always works out for the better.
Life is for living and my message for you is that the human spirit is unbreakable. We all have a choice to live a better life today than yesterday and tomorrow will be just as good as today, if not better.
I do hope you enjoy this book! I love my business Plain Talking HR but I didn't want to write a book about HR! But in a way a lot of the thoughts and messages in this book should be applied in work life as well as our everyday life! You can buy copy by CLICKING HERE
Tagged as: the red thread book
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